In our last +1, we had fun applying Rumi’s wisdom that God turns us from one feeling to another so we have two wings to fly and not one.
Today, we’ll look at another one of my favorite gems from Rumi.
He tells us:
Think about that.
If you want to be polished (aka Optimized!!), how do you expect to get there if you’re irritated by every little rub of life?
Guess what?
It’s those “rubs” (aka challenges!) that are MAKING YOU SO SHINY!!!
Rumi also tells us: “This discipline and rough treatment are a furnace to extract the silver from the dross. This testing purifies the gold by boiling the scum away.”
That’s the ticket.
We need to embrace all the little rubs as we step into the furnace so we can burn the scum away.
That’s Today’s +1.
Rub rub rub.