Today’s Heroic +1 features wisdom from Cal Newport's Deep Work.
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Heroic integrates ancient wisdom, modern science, and practical tools into a beautifully-designed app to help activate your best. Premium Heroic members have access to 600+ of the absolute greatest personal development books distilled into 25-min PhilosophersNotes and 50+ hour-long masterclasses on all areas of a flourishing life.
#leadership #election #vote #personaldevelopment #heroic
Today’s Heroic +1 features wisdom from Michael Singer's Living Untethered and The Untethered Soul.
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About Heroic:
Heroic integrates ancient wisdom, modern science, and practical tools into a beautifully-designed app to help activate your best. Premium Heroic members have access to 600+ of the absolute greatest personal development books distilled into 25-min PhilosophersNotes and 50+ hour-long masterclasses on all areas of a flourishing life.
#leadership #responsibility #personaldevelopment #heroic
Today’s Heroic +1 features wisdom from Michael Singer's Living Untethered.
Get more wisdom in less time with a Heroic membership. Get started for FREE today:
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About Heroic:
Heroic integrates ancient wisdom, modern science, and practical tools into a beautifully-designed app to help activate your best. Premium Heroic members have access to 600+ of the absolute greatest personal development books distilled into 25-min PhilosophersNotes and 50+ hour-long masterclasses on all areas of a flourishing life.
#purpose #duty #personaldevelopment #heroic
Today’s Heroic +1 features wisdom from Gabriele Oettingen's Rethinking Positive Thinking.
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About Heroic:
Heroic integrates ancient wisdom, modern science, and practical tools into a beautifully-designed app to help activate your best. Premium Heroic members have access to 600+ of the absolute greatest personal development books distilled into 25-min PhilosophersNotes and 50+ hour-long masterclasses on all areas of a flourishing life.
#goethe #positivepsychology #mindset #learning #personaldevelopment #heroic
Today’s Heroic +1 features wisdom from Phil Stutz and Barry Michels's Coming Alive and The Tools.
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About Heroic:
Heroic integrates ancient wisdom, modern science, and practical tools into a beautifully-designed app to help activate your best. Premium Heroic members have access to 600+ of the absolute greatest personal development books distilled into 25-min PhilosophersNotes and 50+ hour-long masterclasses on all areas of a flourishing life.
#stutz #netflix #jonahhill #thetools #comingalive #personaldevelopment #heroic
Today’s Heroic +1 features wisdom from Tom Rath's Life's Great Question.
Get more wisdom in less time with a Heroic membership. Get started for FREE today:
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About Heroic:
Heroic integrates ancient wisdom, modern science, and practical tools into a beautifully-designed app to help activate your best. Premium Heroic members have access to 600+ of the absolute greatest personal development books distilled into 25-min PhilosophersNotes and 50+ hour-long masterclasses on all areas of a flourishing life.
#newyear #resolutions #NYE #newyearnewyou #newyearsresolutions #goals #personaldevelopment #heroic