One of the themes we come back to again and again is the basic idea of loving what is — whether that’s via or the or .
Here’s another take on it that I’ve found super helpful.
Vernon Howard tells us: “If your grand purpose in life is to wake up, then whatever happens to you is good, for it can prod you into self-awakening.”
And, he says: “If it takes apparent misfortune to turn us into true philosophers and doers of good to receive good, then .”
Well that’s one way to look at it, eh?
Indeed it is. A very powerful way.
Today’s +1.
The ultimate big ol’ purpose of your existence?
In short: To actualize my potential. In service to the world. While enjoying the process.
Now, with THAT goal in mind, I can bring Vernon’s wisdom to mind and alchemize pretty much E V E R Y T H I N G into great fortune. From the mundane issues with the kids or the biz to the bigger challenges in life.
It’s ALL .
All of it.
So, again… What’s your grand purpose?
Get clear on it. Then between your response to this moment and that target.
Let’s use E V E R Y T H I N G as fuel for our growth.
That’s how to turn apparent misfortune into great fortune.