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Here are 5 of my favorite Big Ideas from How to Think Like a Roman Emperor by Donald Robertson. Hope you enjoy!
Donald Robertson is one of the world’s leading thinkers, writers AND practitioners of Stoic philosophy. He’s also a therapist who integrates Stoicism into his work with individuals. This is our second Note on one of his great books. The first Note was on The Philosophy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in which he connects the philosophical underpinnings of CBT (one of the most empirically-validated, effective modern therapies) to ancient Stoicism. This book is part biography and part philosophy. It’s all awesome. If you want to know how to think like a Roman emperor, start here. I think you’ll enjoy the book as much as I did.
Get How to Think Like a Roman Emperor on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/How-Think-Like-Roman-Emperor/dp/1250196620
Learn more about Donald Robertson: https://www.optimize.me/authors/donald-robertson/
Big Idea 1: GOAL OF LIFE
- PN: The Philosophy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy by Donald Robertson → https://www.optimize.me/philosophers-notes/the-philosophy-of-cognitive-behavioural-therapy-donald-robertson/
- Stoicism 101 → https://www.optimize.me/stoicism/
- +1: Warriors vs. Librarians | Let’s Not Just Catalogue these +1s, Let’s LIVE Them (#66) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/warriors-vs-librarians/
- +1: The Cardinal Virtues | Of Stoicism + Science + Optimize (#1004) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/the-cardinal-virtues/
- +1: The Optimize Compass | And How to Make One (#1128) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/the-optimize-compass/
- +1: How to High Five Your Inner Daimon | My Philosophy in One Word (#3) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/how-to-high-five-your-inner-daimon/
Big Idea 2: IDEAL SAGE (+ YOU)
- How to Journal Carpe Diem Style! → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFMOrHcrGWU&t
-+1: What’s Your 0? | Let’s Turn It Into a φ (#1249) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/whats-your-0/
-+1: Pythagoras’s PM Review | Via His Golden Verses (#1019) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/pythagorass-pm-review/
Big Idea 3: STOIC JOY
- +1: The #1 Key to Happiness + Flourishing | Hint: Become BFFs with your Inner Soul (#2) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/the-1-key-to-happiness-flourishing/
- +1: The 5 (Greek) Keys to Optimizing | Areté + Eudaimonia + en*theos + Hērōs + Euthymia (#200) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/the-5-greek-keys-to-optimizing/
- +1: Aristotle’s “Happiness” | Isn’t Quite What You Think (#464) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/aristotles-happiness/
- +1: Scaffolding | Constructing Your Destiny (#174) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/scaffolding/
- +1: Disaster = | Virtue’s Opportunity (#1152) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/disaster/
- +1: The Choice of Hercules | Vice Dressed up as Virtue (#1036) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/the-choice-of-hercules/
- 500+ Optimize Coaches Conquer a Spartan Race → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrGspQzbzf0
- +1: +1 or -1 = Destiny Math | What Must YOU be? (#1) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/destiny-math/
Get the PhilosophersNote on How to Think Like a Roman Emperor and 600+ other books by starting a Free 14-Day trial membership to Optimize: https://www.optimize.me/trial/
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Here are 5 of my favorite Big Ideas from Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport. Hope you enjoy!
Cal Newport is one of my favorite thinkers. He got his Ph.D. in Computer Science from MIT and is now a Professor at Georgetown. He’s also a bestselling author of a number of books. Given the fact that the fastest way to Optimize your life is to STOP doing things that are sub-optimal AND the fact that (for nearly all of us) our use of technology is the #1 thing that “Needs work!,” it’s SUPER important for us to figure out how to best use all the technology available to us WITHOUT becoming lost in a tsunami of inputs. Enter: Our new philosophy of technology use: Digital Minimalism. Enter: My SUPER strong recommendation of the book and my ALL IN commitment to helping create a movement around the ideas in the book. As you know, I rarely say a book is a must read but this book is as close as it gets. Big Ideas we explore include the fact that your soul is engaged in a lopsided arms race, a definition + overview of digital minimalism, the importance of spending time alone (and the consequences of *not* spending adequate time alone), reclaiming leisure (get active!) and joining the Attention Resistance. Here's to Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World!
Get Digital Minimalism on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Digital-Minimalism-Choosing-Focused-Noisy/dp/0525536515
Learn more about Cal Newport: https://www.optimize.me/authors/cal-newport/
Get the PhilosophersNote on Digital Minimalism and 600+ other books by starting a Free 14-Day trial membership to Optimize: https://www.optimize.me/trial/
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Note: 10 more days to join us for Class III!
Optimize: https://optimize.me/ (← Get Free Stuff + Free 2-Week Trial!)
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Here are 5 of my favorite Big Ideas from It Takes What It Takes by Trevor Moawad. Hope you enjoy!
Trevor Moawad is a mental conditioning coach to elite performers. He is well known for being the mental coach to Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson and has worked closely with prestigious NCAA football programs and coaches, the US Special Operations community, Major League Baseball, and the NBA. This book is, as per the sub-title, all about “How to Think Neutrally and Gain Control of Your Life.” I loved it and, if you’re also equally fired up by the mental toughness in sports and life genre, I think you’ll enjoy it as much as I did. Big Ideas we explore include neutral thinking (much better than positive or negative), goats and G.O.A.T.s, the law of substitution (focus!), the illusion of choice (if you’re REALLY ALL IN, there is no choice), and drawing a line in the dirt (and getting to it… again and again and again!).
Get It Takes What It Takes on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Takes-What-Think-Neutrally-Control/dp/0062947125
Learn more about Trevor Moawad: https://www.optimize.me/authors/trevor-moawad/
- PN: Rethinking Positive Thinking by Gabriele Oettingen → https://www.optimize.me/philosophers-notes/rethinking-positive-thinking-gabriele-oettingen/
- +1: Etiology vs. Teleology | Freud vs. Adler (and Campbell and Me and…) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/etiology-vs-teleology/
- +1: First Things First | Second Things? Not at All (#275) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/first-things-first/
- +1: What’s Important Now? (Part 2) | How to Win 28 Olympic Medals (#276) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/whats-important-now-part-2/
- +1: WIN! WIN! WIN! | What’s Your Next Most Important Thing? (<- Crush That. Repeat.) (#421) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/win-win-win/
Big Idea 2: GOATS + G.O.A.T.S.
- +1: Goeswith | Our New Wisdom Word (Thanks, Alan Watts!) (#639) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/goeswith/
- +1: A Wandering Mind | Is an Unhappy Mind (#1234) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/a-wandering-mind/
- +1: Commitments: 100% Is a Breeze | 99%? Not So Much. (#46) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/commitments-100-is-a-breeze/
- +1: Proving Yourself Right | vs. “I Hope This Works Out Alright” (#215) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/proving-yourself-right/
- +1: Sacrifices vs. Decisions | There’s a Big Difference Between the Two (#65) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/sacrifices-vs-decisions/
- +1: Deciding vs. Wishing | 3 Steps on How to Get What You Want (#101) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/deciding-vs-wishing/
- Joe De Sena → https://www.optimize.me/authors/joe-de-sena/
- +1: The Paradox of Choice | Maximizer vs. Satisficer <- Which Are You? (#416) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/the-paradox-of-choice/
- PN: The Paradox of Choice by Barry Schwartz → https://www.optimize.me/philosophers-notes/the-paradox-of-choice-why-more-is-less-barry-schwartz/
Get the PhilosophersNote on It Takes What It Takes and 600+ other books by starting a Free 14-Day trial membership to Optimize: https://www.optimize.me/trial/
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Optimize Coach: https://optimize.me/coach (← Join 2,000+ Optimizers from 70+ Countries!)
Here are 5 of my favorite Big Ideas from Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg. Hope you enjoy!
BJ Fogg founded the Behavior Design Lab at Stanford University. He is one of the world’s leading authorities on the science of behavior change. In this book, he introduces us to the core elements of his Fogg Behavior Model as we learn that habit change doesn’t need to be as hard as we make it. As BJ tells us: “We are not the problem. Our approach to change is. It’s a design flaw—not a personal flaw.” Big Ideas we explore include the three elements that drive behavior (B = MAP!), the ABCs of Tiny Habits (Anchor + (Tiny) Behavior + Celebration!), the power of anchor prompts (After I (ANCHOR), I will (NEW HABIT), and the power of celebration (get your Shine on!).
Get Tiny Habits on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Tiny-Habits-Changes-Change-Everything/dp/0358003326/
Learn more about BJ Fogg: https://www.optimize.me/authors/b-j-fogg/
Big Idea 1: B = MAP
- Optimal Living 101 classes → https://www.optimize.me/master-classes/
- +1: B = MAP | The Behavior Design Equation (#1198) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/b-map/
- +1: How to Delete a Behavior | Remove the Prompt and Make It Hard! (#1199) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/how-to-delete-a-behavior/
- +1: How to Delete a Bad Habit (Again!) | One Way: Make It Harder (#1233) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/how-to-delete-a-bad-habit-again/
- PN: Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport → https://www.optimize.me/philosophers-notes/digital-minimalism-cal-newport/
- +1: Character Flaws vs. Design Flaws | Note: There’s a BIG Difference (#1214) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/character-flaws-vs-design-flaws/
Big Idea 2: ABCs
- +1: The ABCs of Tiny Habits | Anchor + Behavior + Celebration (#1205) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/the-abcs-of-tiny-habits/
- Celebration | As Powerful as Mindfulness and Gratitude? (#1206) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/celebration/
Big Idea 3: SHINE!
- +1: Shine | The Result of Skillfully Celebrating our Successes (#1209) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/shine/
- +1: The Neuroscience of Seneca | Pleasant + Honorable = The Same (#1208) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/the-neuroscience-of-seneca/
Big Idea 4: INSTALL
- +1: How to Celebrate | Hint: IMMEDIATELY + INTENSELY (#1207) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/how-to-celebrate/
- PN: Mini Habits by Stephen Guise → https://www.optimize.me/philosophers-notes/mini-habits-stephen-guise/
- +1: The Weed | A Case Study in Habit Creation (#1213) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/the-weed/
- +1: How to Build a Good Habit | Easy as 1, 2, 3 (#657) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/how-to-build-a-good-habit/
Big Idea 5: DELETE
- +1: How to Delete a Behavior | Remove the Prompt and Make It Hard! (#1199) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/how-to-delete-a-behavior/
- The Fastest Way to Delete a Bad Habit | Hint: Remove the Prompt (#1211) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/the-fastest-way-to-delete-a-bad-habit/
- Prompt Begone! | No Behavior Happens Without a Prompt (#1212) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/prompt-begone/
- +1: Mistake-Learner’s High | Enjoy It as You Pursue Audacious Goals and Endlessly Evolve (#370) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/mistake-learners-high/
- +1: How to +3 It | When -1 → +1 = +3 (#1232) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/how-to-3-it/
-#1: Let’s take a walk! (Visit the Johnson Trail. lol) (#15) → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sg9SlllpG6c
- +1: Energizers vs. Enervators | The Art & Science of How to Take a Good Break (#181) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/energizers-vs-enervators/
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Optimize Coach: https://optimize.me/coach (← Join 2,000+ Optimizers from 70+ Countries!)
Here are 5 of my favorite Big Ideas from Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker. Hope you enjoy!
Matthew Walker is one of the world’s leading neuroscientists and sleep experts. He’s a professor at UC Berkeley (and former professor at Harvard) who has spent decades studying why we sleep and how to, as per the sub-title of this book, unlock the power of sleep and dreams. As you know if you’ve been following along, I’m a HUGE advocate of Optimizing our sleep as a fundamental practice in Optimizing our lives. This book has made me EVEN MORE bullish about the power of sleep. The consequences of chronically depriving ourselves of the sleep we need? Well, they’re astonishingly devastating—dramatically increasing the odds of having everything from mood disorders to cancer (and everything else we don’t want). Big Ideas we explore include the fact that you're more likely to get struck by lightning than have the gene that let's you get by on less than the recommended sleep, the universality of sleep (even worms sleep!!), resetting baselines, the iPad effect (did you know how much using one before sleep messes w/your melatonin?), and some tips to Optimize your sleep TONIGHT!!
Get Why We Sleep on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Why-We-Sleep-Unlocking-Dreams/dp/1501144324
Learn more about Matthew Walker: https://www.optimize.me/authors/matthew-walker-phd/
- PNTV: Future Visions by Abraham Maslow (#391) → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ncur6rCM2-0
- PN: Future Visions by Abraham Maslow → https://www.optimize.me/philosophers-notes/future-visions-edward-hoffman/
- +1: Sleep: Even Worms Do It | Plus: One-Eyed-/Half-Brained-Bird Sleep (#744) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/sleep-even-worms-do-it/
- +1: Sleep: Before + After Edison | Know How Much Your Great Grandparents Slept? (#217) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/sleep-before-after-edison/
- +1: A Brief History of (Blue) Light | Save It for the Daytime (#915) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/a-brief-history-of-blue-light/
- +1: Digging Foundations | What the World’s Tallest Building Can Teach Us about Building the World’s Tallest You (#58) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/digging-foundations/
- +1: Foundation vs. Pillars | Our #1 Fundie? Sleep! (#911) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/foundation-vs-pillars/
- Oura Ring → https://ouraring.com/
- +1: Sleep Efficiency | Want 8 Hours? Be in Bed for 9! (#913) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/sleep-efficiency/
- +1: Think You Can Get By on Little Sleep? | Science Says: Think Again (Struck by Lightning Lately?) (#742) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/think-you-can-get-by-on-little-sleep/
- +1: Seneca: The Worse a Person Is the Less He Feels It | Aurelius: Don’t Like Yourself? Why Would I Care Whether or Not You Like Me? (#381) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/seneca-the-worse-a-person-is-the-less-he-feels-it/
- +1: Sleep: Crazy Stats | To Make Your Heart Skip a Beat (#747) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/sleep-crazy-stats/
- +1: Despair --> Hope | The Best Bridge? (#948) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/despair-hope/
- +1: The Optimize Compass | And How to Make One (#1128) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/the-optimize-compass/
Big Idea 3: PM BOOKEND
- PM Counts Twice | PM → AM + DAY + PM = #carpediem (#1007) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/pm-counts-twice/
- +1: AM + PM Bookends | How to Create Masterpiece Days: Start Here! (#78) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/am-pm-bookends/
- +1: “Shut-Down COMPLETE!” | Not “Shut-Down ALMOST Complete!” (#1171) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/shut-down-complete-2/
- PNTV: The Sleep Revolution by Arianna Huffington → https://www.optimize.me/philosophers-notes/the-sleep-revolution-arianna-huffington/
- PN: The Sleep Revolution by Arianna Huffington (#390) → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yc41NbQoaw0
- “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti → https://www.optimize.me/authors/jiddu-krishnamurti/
- +1: Sleep Q: How Little Light Is Too Much? | A: Not a Lot! (#741) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/sleep-q-how-little-light-is-too-much/
- +1: Digital Sunset | Bedtime for Your Electronics (#152) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/digital-sunset/
- +1: Sleep Curfews | Caffeine + Exercise + Eating + Screens + Work (#917) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/sleep-curfews/
- +1: Got Glymph? | How to Wash Your Brain (#895) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/got-glymph/
- PN: The Longevity Paradox by Dr. Steven Gundry → https://www.optimize.me/philosophers-notes/the-longevity-paradox-steven-gundry/
- +1: Glymph for the Win | Crazy Stats from My Oura Ring (#896) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/glymph-for-the-win/
- #1s: Behind the Scenes → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuDYg_teIIc&list=PLj3yWdMwimwnHBIHfq6smL9JSwrTpU_ge
Get the PhilosophersNote on Why We Sleep and 600+ other books by starting a Free 14-Day trial membership to Optimize: https://www.optimize.me/trial/
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Here are 5 of my favorite Big Ideas from Future Visions by Abraham Maslow. Hope you enjoy!
As you know if you’ve been following along, I love Abraham Maslow and feel a deep kinship to him and his work. We have featured two of the books he published during his lifetime: Toward a Psychology of Being and Motivation and Personality. Although this book has only ONE review on Amazon and I could only buy a used copy of it, I knew I’d love it. And, although I had already been deeply influenced by Maslow and his thinking, there was something about reading his unpublished essays and journal thoughts that made me feel that much more connected to this great man. Big Ideas we explore include Maslow’s thoughts on the “eupsychian ideal” (aka: the “eudaemonic ideal”!), the psychology of happiness (eudaimonology!!), Stoic philosophy (Maslow was a fan), vicious cultural influences (Maslow was NOT a fan!), and the Jonah Complex (ANSWER YOUR HEROIC CALL, already!!).
Get Future Visions on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Future-Visions-Unpublished-Papers-Abraham/dp/0761900500
Learn more about Abraham Maslow: https://optimize.me/authors/abraham-maslow
- All PhilosophersNotes TV episodes: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLj3yWdMwimwmSz4DXwtJkCeQ958RHnOfj
- PN: Motivation and Personality by Abraham Maslow → https://www.optimize.me/philosophers-notes/motivation-and-personality-abraham-maslow/
- PN: Toward a Psychology of Being by Abraham Maslow → https://www.optimize.me/philosophers-notes/toward-a-psychology-of-being-abraham-maslow/
- +1: Eudaimōnology | The Study of a Good Soul (#997) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/eudaimonology/
- The Optimize Coach program → https://optimize.me/coach/
- Martin Seligman → https://www.optimize.me/authors/martin-seligman/
- PN: Flourish | A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-being by Martin Seligman → https://www.optimize.me/philosophers-notes/flourish-martin-seligman/
- +1: The #1 Key to Happiness + Flourishing | Hint: Become BFFs with your Inner Soul → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/the-1-key-to-happiness-flourishing/
- +1: How to High Five Your Inner Daimon | My Philosophy in One Word (#3) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/how-to-high-five-your-inner-daimon/
- +1: The 5 (Greek) Keys to Optimizing | Areté + Eudaimonia + en*theos + Hērōs + Euthymia (#200) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/the-5-greek-keys-to-optimizing/
- +1: Put Your Virtues in Action | How to Flex Your Flourishing Muscles → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/put-your-virtues-in-action/
- +1: How to Flourish | Science Says: PERMA (#280) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/how-to-flourish/
- +1: Mediocrity vs. Excellence | How to Avoid Getting Stuck in the Middle of a Rugged Mountain (#95) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/mediocrity-vs-excellence/
- +1: Hedonic Eudaimonia | A Close Relative of Flow Junkies (#908) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/hedonic-eudaimonia/
- 14-Day Free Optimize Trial Membership → https://optimize.me/trial/
- +1: +1 or -1 = Destiny Math | What Must YOU be? (#1)
- Ellen Langer → https://www.optimize.me/authors/ellen-langer/
- +1: The Psychology of Possibility | Celebrating with 300 Burpees (#1009) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/the-psychology-of-possibility/
- +1: Prior Best = New Baseline | Your Best Days? That’s Your New Normal (#264) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/prior-best-new-baseline/
- +1: Capacities Clamoring to Be Used | Answering Your Soul’s Cries (#403) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/capacities-clamoring-to-be-used/
- +1: Optimize = Optimus | = The Best Version of You (#367) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/optimize-optimus/
- Hērō = protector
- +1: The Optimize Compass | And How to Make One (#1128) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/the-optimize-compass/
- +1: Hērōs | Building Strength for 2 (#107) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/heros/
Get the PhilosophersNote on Future Visions and 600+ other books by starting a Free 14-Day trial membership to Optimize: https://www.optimize.me/trial/
- Get the Optimize App for iPhone & iPad: https://www.optimize.me/apps/
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Today we have fun talking about dropping into a data-mining Beast Mode of awesome. Hope you enjoy and LET'S DO THIS!!!