Optimize Coach: https://optimize.me/coach/
Alden Mills is a member of the Optimize Coach Guest Faculty. This exchange was captured during a Live Coaching session in the Optimize Coach program. Multiple times every month, Optimize Coach participants connect live with Brian, Michael, Alexandra, and members of our world-class Luminary Guest Faculty for wisdom, guidance, and encouragement.
For more information, head to optimize.me/coach.
Optimize Coach: https://optimize.me/coach/
Rich Diviney is a member of the Optimize Coach Guest Faculty. This exchange was captured during a Live Coaching session in the Optimize Coach program. Multiple times every month, Optimize Coach participants connect live with Brian, Michael, Alexandra, and members of our world-class Luminary Guest Faculty for wisdom, guidance, and encouragement.
For more information, head to optimize.me/coach.
Optimize Coach: https://optimize.me/coach/
Drs. David & Austin Perlmutter are members of the Optimize Coach Guest Faculty. This exchange was captured during a Live Coaching session in the Optimize Coach program. Multiple times every month, Optimize Coach participants connect live with Brian, Michael, Alexandra, and members of our world-class Luminary Guest Faculty for wisdom, guidance, and encouragement.
For more information, head to optimize.me/coach.
Optimize Coach: https://optimize.me/coach/
Brandon Guyer is a member of the Optimize Coach Guest Faculty. This exchange was captured during a Live Coaching session in the Optimize Coach program. Multiple times every month, Optimize Coach participants connect live with Brian, Michael, Alexandra, and members of our world-class Luminary Guest Faculty for wisdom, guidance, and encouragement.
For more information, head to optimize.me/coach.
Optimize Coach: https://optimize.me/coach/
Patrick McKeown is a member of the Optimize Coach Guest Faculty. This exchange was captured during a Live Coaching session in the Optimize Coach program. Multiple times every month, Optimize Coach participants connect live with Brian, Michael, Alexandra, and members of our world-class Luminary Guest Faculty for wisdom, guidance, and encouragement.
For more information, head to optimize.me/coach.
Did you know there’s an equation for Procrastination? Yep. Expectancy x Value / Impulsiveness x Delay = Motivation. Thank you, Piers Steel. In this great book, Piers (a leading researcher on the science of motivation/procrastination) walks us thru the power of that equation.
Big Ideas we explore include: Mental Contrasting (and why it beats creative visualization), goal setting (3 scientific keys) and how to add a month of productivity to your year.
Optimize Coach: https://optimize.me/coach/
William Damon is a member of the Optimize Coach Guest Faculty. This exchange was captured during a Live Coaching session in the Optimize Coach program. Multiple times every month, Optimize Coach participants connect live with Brian, Michael, Alexandra, and members of our world-class Luminary Guest Faculty for wisdom, guidance, and encouragement.
For more information, head to optimize.me/coach.
Optimize: https://optimize.me/ (← Get Free Stuff + Free 2-Week Trial!) Optimize Coach: https://optimize.me/coach (← Join 2,000+ Optimizers from 70+ Countries!)
Here are 5 of my favorite Big Ideas from "How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big" by Scott Adams. Hope you enjoy!
Optimize Coach: https://optimize.me/coach/
Cal Newport is a member of the Optimize Coach Guest Faculty. This exchange was captured during a Live Coaching session in the Optimize Coach program. Multiple times every month, Optimize Coach participants connect live with Brian, Michael, Alexandra, and members of our world-class Luminary Guest Faculty for wisdom, guidance, and encouragement.
For more information, head to optimize.me/coach.
Optimize Coach: https://optimize.me/coach/
Brian Johnson is a member of the Optimize Coach Guest Faculty. This exchange was captured during a Live Coaching session in the Optimize Coach program. Multiple times every month, Optimize Coach participants connect live with Brian, Michael, Alexandra, and members of our world-class Luminary Guest Faculty for wisdom, guidance, and encouragement.
For more information, head to optimize.me/coach.
Optimize: https://optimize.me/ (← Get Free Stuff + Free 2-Week Trial!) Optimize Coach: https://optimize.me/coach (← Join 2,000+ Optimizers from 70+ Countries!)
Here are some of my favorite Big Ideas from "The War of Art" by Steven Pressfield. Hope you enjoy! :)
Optimize Coach: https://optimize.me/coach/
Michael Balchan is a member of the Optimize Coach Guest Faculty. This exchange was captured during a Live Coaching session in the Optimize Coach program. Multiple times every month, Optimize Coach participants connect live with Brian, Michael, Alexandra, and members of our world-class Luminary Guest Faculty for wisdom, guidance, and encouragement.
For more information, head to optimize.me/coach.
Optimize: https://optimize.me/ (← Get Free Stuff + Free 2-Week Trial!) Optimize Coach: https://optimize.me/coach (← Join 2,000+ Optimizers from 70+ Countries!)
The Power of Full Engagement by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz. In this PN TV episode, we'll have fun checking out some Big Ideas from Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz's great book "The Power of Full Engagement." Hope you dig it!
Optimize: https://optimize.me/ (← Get Free Stuff + Free 2-Week Trial!) Optimize Coach: https://optimize.me/coach (← Join 2,000+ Optimizers from 70+ Countries!)
Mastery by George Leonard. In this PN TV episode we'll explore some of George Leonard's Big Ideas on "Mastery"--ranging from the importance of diligence (patience and persistence!) to the pitfalls of masters (a couple: obsessive goal setting and laziness). Hope you dig it and here's to mastery!
Optimize: https://optimize.me/ (← Get Free Stuff + Free 2-Week Trial!) Optimize Coach: https://optimize.me/coach (← Join 2,000+ Optimizers from 70+ Countries!)
"As a Man Thinketh" by James Allen might just win the most densely packed with wisdom award and in this PN TV episode we'll have fun looking a few of my favorite Big Ideas on how we can shape our minds our create our ideal lives. Hope you enjoy!
Optimize: https://optimize.me/ (← Get Free Stuff + Free 2-Week Trial!) Optimize Coach: https://optimize.me/coach (← Join 2,000+ Optimizers from 70+ Countries!)
Joseph Campbell rocks and in this PN TV episode we'll have fun looking at how to embrace our hero's journey, shed some skin and jump into our Highest Selves as we explore some of my favorite Big Ideas from "A Joseph Campbell Companion"! Hope you dig it. :)
Optimize: https://optimize.me/ (← Get Free Stuff + Free 2-Week Trial!) Optimize Coach: https://optimize.me/coach (← Join 2,000+ Optimizers from 70+ Countries!)
Why is it that IQ isn't that highly correlated with success? Because "Emotional Intelligence" plays a *huge* role! In this PN TV episode we'll explore some Big Ideas on how to rock our EQ from Daniel Goleman's classic. Hope you dig it! :)
Optimize: https://optimize.me/ (← Get Free Stuff + Free 2-Week Trial!) Optimize Coach: https://optimize.me/coach (← Join 2,000+ Optimizers from 70+ Countries!)
Tony Horton. If you've done P90X then you both LOVE him and you hate him (for kicking your butt!). Hah! Tony brings the same energy and laughs to this great book featuring his 11 Laws for rockin' it. In the Note, we'll have fun looking at the voices in his head, where he came up with his classic "Do your best and forget the rest!" and other goodness!
Optimize: https://optimize.me/ (← Get Free Stuff + Free 2-Week Trial!) Optimize Coach: https://optimize.me/coach (← Join 2,000+ Optimizers from 70+ Countries!)
Cal Newport is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Dartmouth who went on to MIT for his Ph.D. and is now a Professor at Georgetown. In this book, Cal shares the top ideas he gleaned from interviews with non-grind Phi Beta Kappa members at elite schools across the country. They had to perform well AND they had to achieve those results without grinding away. Their practices, although discovered independently, reflect the same wisdom shared in the science books. It’s great to see the overlap. Big Ideas: pseudo-work vs. real work (and a secret formula), conquering procrastination, when/where/how long should you study?, #1 way to learn (and #1 trap), the importance of spacing out your work and the power to choose your future via excellent grades.
Optimize: https://optimize.me/ (← Get Free Stuff + Free 2-Week Trial!) Optimize Coach: https://optimize.me/coach (← Join 2,000+ Optimizers from 70+ Countries!)
If you’ve ever had stress in your life (hah!) and wondered how to deal with it more optimally, I think you’ll love this. McGonigal tells us that how we THINK about stress plays a huge role in its affect on us and walks us thru the science behind it. Rather than try to get rid of stress (good luck with that!), we’re much better off shifting our mindsets to embrace and use the stress wisely!