Today we take a quick look at my creative planning to help us make 2017 the Greatest Year Ever. Fun! (I mention our membership. If you haven't joined yet and it feels like a good fit, learn more/sign up here:
In this little trip behind-the-scenes we take a quick look at the evolving 2017 Q1 calendar and how fired up I am about PN-LIVE. Plus we have fun with two micro classes: one on identifying your #1 (or Top 3) goals for next year that’ll make it amazing (along with the 1 or 2 habits you need to install to make that goal happen); and, we have fun looking at chasms vs. cracks. Joseph Campbell said that when you get to a chasm, jump. It’s not as wide as you think. I share a couple stories of my own where I saw chasms were really cracks. You? P.S. Let’s do this.
Big visions are awesome, of course. But ultimately it's all about ACTION--taking gritty baby steps in pursuit of our big audacious goals and purpose-driven destiny. One great tactic? Get Juicy!! Just ship it. #JUSI
After my strategy journaling I often send a quick video my right-hand genius ninja Evan. Today I started doing that and realized I should just share it with you as well as part of this series. So, here we are. Theme: Let's 10x--make that 20x!!-- the value we create for our members by sharing 250 PN-LIVEs + 250 Office Hours. Still noodling but basically, Monday thru Friday at 10am PST I'm thinking we can hang out and Optimize. Then on Saturday we'll have a longer lecture for more awesome. Then I rest on Sunday. :) (Got ideas on stuff you'd like me to cover?! Drop a comment, pretty please!!) LET'S DO THIS!!
Another quick peek at my prep for 2017. Short story: We're going to livestream awesome classes on my 100 favorite book ever. Q&A. etc. It's going to be awesome.
Every morning I spend ~5 minutes quickly journaling on what I am committed to doing and who I am committed to being in the world. Here's a quick peek behind the scenes on this AM's journaling in which I share the big vision for our business Optimize Enterprises, Public Benefit Corporation.
Hero Training 101. It's time.
Here's the full script:
Do you know what the word “hero” means?
In ancient Greek, the word “hērōs” (spelled with a cool line over the e and the o) meant PROTECTOR.
Not “killer of bad guys” or “super strong tough guy” but PROTECTOR.
A hero has strength for two.
The hero’s secret weapon?
A hero CARES.
And a hero is willing to do the work necessary to be strong enough to serve and to protect the people and community and country she loves.
Our world needs heroes today more than ever before.
That’s why I’m putting every single ounce of my energy into something we’re calling Hero Training 101.
We’re going to help you create the greatest year of your life and, in the process, help you create heroic mastery of every facet of your life.
We’ll start by figuring out what you’re here to do. How will YOU be heroic? What bold steps will you take to give your greatest gifts in greatest service to the world? Who must you become to make that vision a reality?
We’ll figure out your highest calling and then challenge you to STEP UP and create the strength to make that dream a reality.
We’ll start with your fundamentals. Absolutely dialing in your nutrition, your movement, your sleep, and your ability to focus your mind—putting your attention where you want, when you want for how long you want—the skill that psychologists tell us is THE most important attribute of the greatest and happiest among us.
We’ll master the process of setting and achieving goals. Building habits and using your willpower wisely. Cultivating humble yet heroic confidence. Mastering the process of getting stuff done while conquering any procrastination, anxiety or depression. We’ll step into our full leadership potential and master the process of using business as a force for heroic good.
And, most importantly, we’ll focus on love. Not just for a few people with whom we’re close. But for everyone and all of life—remembering that THE secret weapon of the true hero is LOVE. Fully embodied and expressed in every micro-moment of our lives as we dig deep and commit to most fully giving ourselves to our families, communities, countries and world.
Hero Training 101. It’s time.
You know what the foundation of leadership is? Credibility. Know how to build your credibility as a leader? Four key qualities. Here they are.
Want to influence yourself? Tap into your natural tendency to want consistency. Here's a quick look at how to do that. (Hint: Start small. Write down your commitment. Share your it.)
Charisma. First thing to know: You can build it. Here's how. (Focus on three skills: Presence + Power + Warmth!)
Hero. Did you know the word means "protector" in Greek? Yep. Let's shift from "What's in it for me?" to "How can I be my brother's keeper.
Did you know thinking about things we procrastinate about triggers a pain response in our brains? Yep. But get this - Only the *anticipation* creates pain; doing doesn't! So, just do it.
Did you know that if you boost your productivity by 10% you basically add a MONTH's worth of productivity to your year? NUTS, eh? And true. Here's how to add at least a month.
Brian Tracy once crossed the Sahara desert. 500 miles of nothing but sand. All he had to do was go from oil barrel to oil barrel. Incremental improvement is where it's at.
PCT = Problem-centric thinking. RSF = Relentless solution focus. Mentally tough people focus on SOLUTIONS. Are you?
The first time GSP told his dad his dream to be a world champion his dad thought he was crazy. He kept going. Step by step. You know how many steps are in a 1,000 journey? About 2,112,000. #walkingshoes
Leadership is all about inspiring and empowering people to do great things. In this class, we’ll explore the fact that leadership starts by leading yourself as we identify your noble purpose, chisel your foundation, create a compelling vision, embrace the process, and do what you’re here to do. We’ll also look at the power of charisma, the neuroscience of being an iconoclastic leader, and discuss the best-kept secret of leadership to help you create your legacy.
Experiments never fail. That's a powerful distinction. Let's put on our lab coats + goggles and embrace a TESTING mindset vs. a "trusting" one.
Coach Wooden believed in simplicity. His teams ran 1 offense, 1 defense, 1 out-of-bounds play. They MASTERED their one thing and became unstoppable. How about you: Is your life simple or complex?
Imagining sliding into an fMRI. Researchers ask you to imagine yourself, a stranger and you in 10 years. The results are interesting and powerful.
3:59.4. That's less than 4 minutes. Running a mile in that time used to be impossible. Until it wasn't. What impossible thing do you need to reframe into possible?
John Maxwell tells us that systems are just good strategies repeated. I like that. Nice and simple: Figure out what works. Do more of it. #repeat.
Strong Hope has three things firing: Goals + Agency + Pathways. We need to futurecast a goal that fires us up, believe we can have it and be willing to take infinite Pathways to rock it! Plan A to Z.
Here are Neil Pasricha's 7 favorite scientifically proven ways to boost our happiness.
The All Blacks are all about getting better all.the.time. Can you find 100 things you can improve 1%? Marginal gains, baby!