You know what the foundation of leadership is? Credibility. Know how to build your credibility as a leader? Four key qualities. Here they are.
Want to influence yourself? Tap into your natural tendency to want consistency. Here's a quick look at how to do that. (Hint: Start small. Write down your commitment. Share your it.)
Charisma. First thing to know: You can build it. Here's how. (Focus on three skills: Presence + Power + Warmth!)
Hero. Did you know the word means "protector" in Greek? Yep. Let's shift from "What's in it for me?" to "How can I be my brother's keeper.
Did you know thinking about things we procrastinate about triggers a pain response in our brains? Yep. But get this - Only the *anticipation* creates pain; doing doesn't! So, just do it.
Did you know that if you boost your productivity by 10% you basically add a MONTH's worth of productivity to your year? NUTS, eh? And true. Here's how to add at least a month.
Brian Tracy once crossed the Sahara desert. 500 miles of nothing but sand. All he had to do was go from oil barrel to oil barrel. Incremental improvement is where it's at.
PCT = Problem-centric thinking. RSF = Relentless solution focus. Mentally tough people focus on SOLUTIONS. Are you?
The first time GSP told his dad his dream to be a world champion his dad thought he was crazy. He kept going. Step by step. You know how many steps are in a 1,000 journey? About 2,112,000. #walkingshoes
Experiments never fail. That's a powerful distinction. Let's put on our lab coats + goggles and embrace a TESTING mindset vs. a "trusting" one.
Coach Wooden believed in simplicity. His teams ran 1 offense, 1 defense, 1 out-of-bounds play. They MASTERED their one thing and became unstoppable. How about you: Is your life simple or complex?
Imagining sliding into an fMRI. Researchers ask you to imagine yourself, a stranger and you in 10 years. The results are interesting and powerful.
3:59.4. That's less than 4 minutes. Running a mile in that time used to be impossible. Until it wasn't. What impossible thing do you need to reframe into possible?
John Maxwell tells us that systems are just good strategies repeated. I like that. Nice and simple: Figure out what works. Do more of it. #repeat.
Strong Hope has three things firing: Goals + Agency + Pathways. We need to futurecast a goal that fires us up, believe we can have it and be willing to take infinite Pathways to rock it! Plan A to Z.
Here are Neil Pasricha's 7 favorite scientifically proven ways to boost our happiness.
The All Blacks are all about getting better all.the.time. Can you find 100 things you can improve 1%? Marginal gains, baby!
Here are the four psychological assets you need to grow your grit: Interest + Practice + Purpose + Hope.
We want to be RATIONAL optimists--not irrational optimists. Here's the difference. (And, how it's kinda like irrational vs. rational visualization WOOP style.)
One way to turn a disadvantage into an advantage? Run a full-court press!
Want to be a great leader? It starts with trust--which starts with character. Here are 3 ways to chisel your goodness.
Growth does not occur in a straight line. Time to embrace the zigs and the zags that are part of mastery as our highs get higher and our lows get higher.
Nassim Taleb tells us how to become more anti-fragile. Here's a quick look at his "barbell strategy." Key: Be BOTH super aggressive AND super conservative.
When we see an iceberg, we're tempted to think it's just the tip, but we KNOW there's a lot going on beneath the surface. Same thing with world-class performance.
Pixar execs say they take their films from suck to unsuck. (Hah.) We need to do the same. (Did you know WALL-E had 98,173 (!!!) storyboards? Yep.) That's a lot of little bets.